enumIAX Package Description
enumIAX is an Inter Asterisk Exchange protocol username brute-force enumerator. enumIAX may operate in two distinct modes; Sequential Username Guessing or Dictionary Attack.
Tools included in the enumiax package
enumiax – IAX protocol username enumerator
root@kali:~# enumiax -h
enumIAX 0.4a
Dustin D. Trammell <dtrammell@tippingpoint.com>
Usage: enumiax [options] target
-d <dict> Dictionary attack using <dict> file
-i <count> Interval for auto-save (# of operations, default 1000)
-m # Minimum username length (in characters)
-M # Maximum username length (in characters)
-r # Rate-limit calls (in microseconds)
-s <file> Read session state from state file
-v Increase verbosity (repeat for additional verbosity)
-V Print version information and exit
-h Print help/usage information and exit
enumIAX 0.4a
Dustin D. Trammell <dtrammell@tippingpoint.com>
Usage: enumiax [options] target
-d <dict> Dictionary attack using <dict> file
-i <count> Interval for auto-save (# of operations, default 1000)
-m # Minimum username length (in characters)
-M # Maximum username length (in characters)
-r # Rate-limit calls (in microseconds)
-s <file> Read session state from state file
-v Increase verbosity (repeat for additional verbosity)
-V Print version information and exit
-h Print help/usage information and exit
enumiax Usage Example
Run a dictionary attack (-d /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt) against the target host (
root@kali:~# enumiax -d /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt
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