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PadBuster Package Description

PadBuster is a Perl script for automating Padding Oracle Attacks. PadBuster provides the capability to decrypt arbitrary ciphertext, encrypt arbitrary plaintext, and perform automated response analysis to determine whether a request is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks.

Tools included in the padbuster package

padbuster – Script for performing Padding Oracle attacks
root@kali:~# padbuster

| PadBuster - v0.3.3                        |
| Brian Holyfield - Gotham Digital Science  |
| labs@gdssecurity.com                      |

    Use: padBuster.pl URL EncryptedSample BlockSize [options]

  Where: URL = The target URL (and query string if applicable)
         EncryptedSample = The encrypted value you want to test. Must
                           also be present in the URL, PostData or a Cookie
         BlockSize = The block size being used by the algorithm

     -auth [username:password]: HTTP Basic Authentication
     -bruteforce: Perform brute force against the first block
     -ciphertext [Bytes]: CipherText for Intermediate Bytes (Hex-Encoded)
         -cookies [HTTP Cookies]: Cookies (name1=value1; name2=value2)
         -encoding [0-4]: Encoding Format of Sample (Default 0)
                          0=Base64, 1=Lower HEX, 2=Upper HEX
                          3=.NET UrlToken, 4=WebSafe Base64
         -encodedtext [Encoded String]: Data to Encrypt (Encoded)
         -error [Error String]: Padding Error Message
         -headers [HTTP Headers]: Custom Headers (name1::value1;name2::value2)
     -interactive: Prompt for confirmation on decrypted bytes
     -intermediate [Bytes]: Intermediate Bytes for CipherText (Hex-Encoded)
     -log: Generate log files (creates folder PadBuster.DDMMYY)
     -noencode: Do not URL-encode the payload (encoded by default)
     -noiv: Sample does not include IV (decrypt first block)
         -plaintext [String]: Plain-Text to Encrypt
         -post [Post Data]: HTTP Post Data String
     -prefix [Prefix]: Prefix bytes to append to each sample (Encoded)
     -proxy [address:port]: Use HTTP/S Proxy
     -proxyauth [username:password]: Proxy Authentication
     -resume [Block Number]: Resume at this block number
     -usebody: Use response body content for response analysis phase
         -verbose: Be Verbose
         -veryverbose: Be Very Verbose (Debug Only)

padbuster Usage Example

root@kali:~# coming soon

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