rtpbreak Package Description
With rtpbreak you can detect, reconstruct and analyze any RTP session. It doesn’t require the presence of RTCP packets and works independently form the used signaling protocol (SIP, H.323, SCCP, …). The input is a sequence of packets, the output is a set of files you can use as input for other tools (wireshark/tshark, sox, grep/awk/cut/ cat/sed, …). It supports also wireless (AP_DLT_IEEE802_11) networks.
- reconstruct any RTP stream with an unknown or unsupported signaling protocol
- reconstruct any RTP stream in wireless networks, while doing channel hopping (VoIP activity detector)
- reconstruct and decode any RTP stream in batch mode (with sox, asterisk, …)
- reconstruct any already existing RTP stream
- reorder the packets of any RTP stream for later analysis (with tshark, wireshark, …)
- build a tiny wireless VoIP tapping system in a single chip Linux unit
- build a complete VoIP tapping system (rtpbreak would be just the RTP dissector module!)
Tools included in the rtpbreak package
rtpbreak – Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes RTP sessions
root@kali:~# rtpbreak -h
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Dallachiesa Michele <micheleDOTdallachiesaATposteDOTit>
rtpbreak v1.3a is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.
USAGE: rtpbreak (-r|-i) <source> [options]
-r <str> Read packets from pcap file <str>
-i <str> Read packets from network interface <str>
-L <int> Force datalink header length == <int> bytes
-d <str> Set output directory to <str> (def:.)
-w Disable RTP raw dumps
-W Disable RTP pcap dumps
-g Fill gaps in RTP raw dumps (caused by lost packets)
-n Dump noise packets
-f Disable stdout logging
-F Enable syslog logging
-v Be verbose
-m Sniff packets in promisc mode
-p <str> Add pcap filter <str>
-e Expect even destination UDP port
-u Expect unprivileged source/destination UDP ports (>1024)
-y <int> Expect RTP payload type == <int>
-l <int> Expect RTP payload length == <int> bytes
-t <float> Set packet timeout to <float> seconds (def:10.00)
-T <float> Set pattern timeout to <float> seconds (def:0.25)
-P <int> Set pattern packets count to <int> (def:5)
-Z <str> Run as user <str>
-D Run in background (option -f implicit)
-k List known RTP payload types
-h This
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Dallachiesa Michele <micheleDOTdallachiesaATposteDOTit>
rtpbreak v1.3a is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License.
USAGE: rtpbreak (-r|-i) <source> [options]
-r <str> Read packets from pcap file <str>
-i <str> Read packets from network interface <str>
-L <int> Force datalink header length == <int> bytes
-d <str> Set output directory to <str> (def:.)
-w Disable RTP raw dumps
-W Disable RTP pcap dumps
-g Fill gaps in RTP raw dumps (caused by lost packets)
-n Dump noise packets
-f Disable stdout logging
-F Enable syslog logging
-v Be verbose
-m Sniff packets in promisc mode
-p <str> Add pcap filter <str>
-e Expect even destination UDP port
-u Expect unprivileged source/destination UDP ports (>1024)
-y <int> Expect RTP payload type == <int>
-l <int> Expect RTP payload length == <int> bytes
-t <float> Set packet timeout to <float> seconds (def:10.00)
-T <float> Set pattern timeout to <float> seconds (def:0.25)
-P <int> Set pattern packets count to <int> (def:5)
-Z <str> Run as user <str>
-D Run in background (option -f implicit)
-k List known RTP payload types
-h This
rtpbreak Usage Example
Analyze RTP traffic using interface eth0 (-i eth0), fill in gaps (-g), sniff in promiscuous mode (-m), and save to the given directory (-d rtplog):
root@kali:~# rtpbreak -i eth0 -g -m -d rtplog
+ rtpbreak v1.3a running here!
+ pid: 10951, date/time: 17/05/2014#13:40:02
+ Configuration
Packet source: iface 'eth0'
Force datalink header length: disabled
Output directory: 'rtplog'
RTP raw dumps: enabled
RTP pcap dumps: enabled
Fill gaps: enabled
Dump noise: disabled
Logfile: 'rtplog/rtp.0.txt'
Logging to stdout: enabled
Logging to syslog: disabled
Be verbose: disabled
Sniff packets in promisc mode: enabled
Add pcap filter: disabled
Expecting even destination UDP port: disabled
Expecting unprivileged source/destination UDP ports: disabled
Expecting RTP payload type: any
Expecting RTP payload length: any
Packet timeout: 10.00 seconds
Pattern timeout: 0.25 seconds
Pattern packets: 5
Running as user/group: root/root
Running daemonized: disabled
* You can dump stats sending me a SIGUSR2 signal
* Reading packets...
+ rtpbreak v1.3a running here!
+ pid: 10951, date/time: 17/05/2014#13:40:02
+ Configuration
Packet source: iface 'eth0'
Force datalink header length: disabled
Output directory: 'rtplog'
RTP raw dumps: enabled
RTP pcap dumps: enabled
Fill gaps: enabled
Dump noise: disabled
Logfile: 'rtplog/rtp.0.txt'
Logging to stdout: enabled
Logging to syslog: disabled
Be verbose: disabled
Sniff packets in promisc mode: enabled
Add pcap filter: disabled
Expecting even destination UDP port: disabled
Expecting unprivileged source/destination UDP ports: disabled
Expecting RTP payload type: any
Expecting RTP payload length: any
Packet timeout: 10.00 seconds
Pattern timeout: 0.25 seconds
Pattern packets: 5
Running as user/group: root/root
Running daemonized: disabled
* You can dump stats sending me a SIGUSR2 signal
* Reading packets...
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