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In this tutorial, we'll use one of the best active tools for doing OS fingerprinting, xprobe2, which is an active OS fingerprinter, meaning that it actually sends probes to the target system, then gauges the OS from the system's response. In total, xprobe2 has 16 different modules it runs to help determine the OS.

It probably goes without saying that any fingerprinter that's probing with special packets is going to be noisy and likely detected by NIDS and other security systems.

Step 1Find xprobe2

Like so many other great hacker tools, xprobe2 is included in our BackTrack distribution. To find it, type:

  • whereis xprobe2

As you can see from the screenshot above, it's in the /usr/local/bin, so if that directory is in our PATH variable, we can use xprobe2 from any directory.

Step 2Find Help

Now, let's get some basic help to run xprobe2 for OS fingerprinting.

  • xprobe2

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